all4hue for WearOS smartwatches available

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all4hue for WearOS smartwatches available

Post by ReneWahl » Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:58 pm

Hi there,

The beta version of all4hue for WearOS smartwatches is now available on Google Play. Every participant of the all4hue beta program can access this version and is invited to test it. Due to the small smartphone screen, the scope of all4hue for smartwatches is very limited compared to the Android version.

For the permanent use of all4hue for WearOS Smartwatches, the expansion package "Smartwatch" from all4hue is required. However, I am giving away 20 vouchers (so that there are no costs for the extension) for interested testers. If you are interested, please send an inquiry to

Best Regards
René Wahl
all4hue Developer / Entwickler

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